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How the heck do I surrender?

Your life is stressful but you’re doing everything you can to stop stress from running your life.

You meditate.

Your place healing crystals in your spaces.

You listen to uplifting podcasts and watch YouTube videos to amp up your vibration.

You drink celery juice, mostly eat a plant-based diet, and use essential oils.

And yet you can’t seem to stop trying to control your life. 

When the washer breaks down or a large bill shows up, you panic. All the stuff you know about surrender and letting go are gone! Whoosh! Out the window.

Surrender and letting go sound like such lovely concepts in the books you read, but how the heck do you do it??

If this is you, I have a feeling you’ll enjoy this masterclass!

How the heck do I surrender?

is a two-hour masterclass where you’ll learn:

  • Why control feels calming when actually it isn’t
  • The Spiritual ego and its demands
  • What is surrender?
  • How do I let go?
  • How to invite the Divine in
  • How to invite peace into your life by shutting the door on attachment

In this masterclass you’ll work with a specific struggle you’ve been trying to work through and hit a wall. Bring your journal and pen. Light a candle and set an intention before you begin. Then trust that you’ll receive exactly what you need to from this class.

The Boundary Dilemma

Your sister wants you to watch her baby. Again. You hear her voice on the phone, and your stomach starts to cramp. But you say yes.

Your friend texts. She wants to meet for coffee. All she does is dump on you. Just seeing her text message drains you. But you say yes.

Your coworker makes a request that you handle one more piece of the project. You’re already overextended and want to say I can’t but your tongue ties itself into knots. So, you say yes.

You’re not alone. Most people would rather walk down a dangerous dark alley at midnight than disappoint others, say No, or risk disapproval. But a life of constant people-pleasing is a slippery slope that will only lead to you crashing.

Boundaries. It’s a word that terrifies people-pleasers. But a life without boundaries is a life of bitterness and burnout.

If this is you, this Masterclass will give you ideas on how to do life differently—with boundaries.

What we will cover:

  • Why boundaries are necessary
  • Where you struggle to set boundaries and why
  • What a boundary is and is not
  • Why creating and having boundaries is spiritual
  • How to identify where you need boundaries
  • How boundaries help you create an authentic life
  • Sample scripts for you to start setting boundaries

In this masterclass you’ll work through where and how you need to set boundaries and also have insights into why you feel discomfort in boundary-setting. Bring your journal and pen. Light a candle and set an intention before you begin. Then trust that you’ll receive exactly what you need to from this class.

Healing the Mother Wound

Most of the world devotes a day to celebrate her, which makes it even harder because you didn’t get to experience the kind of mother love that makes you feel all warm and gooey inside.

  • She was angry and abusive
  • She drank herself into oblivion
  • She barely noticed you
  • When she did, nothing about you was right

You want to forgive her, but your wound is real. What you didn't receive still brings up so much grief.

You don't allow yourself to feel the anger because you’ve practiced saying She did the best she could.

But that doesn't make the pain go away either.

There's an aching hole inside of you.

You tried to be the good girl. You tried to do the right things. You took care of her. You locked away the anger. 

Years and years of trying so hard didn’t make it any better. So, you finally decided that she’s too much and put distance between the two of you.

Maybe she's no longer alive, but the pain of what you didn't get to have continues to eat away at you.

  • You often feel overwhelmed because you’re constantly taking care of others 
  • You feel shame, guilt, and a persistent low-grade sadness
  • You’re constantly looking to others to tell you that you’re enough
  • You play small and shrink your life so that you don’t upset others

The grief of what might've been never goes away.

  • You want to be in the same room with her—and not have to feel like you’re standing on shards of glass.
  • You want to do better by your own kids—not feel alarmed when you say or do something that makes you go “I’m turning into my mom!!” 
  • You want to manage visits with her from a place of peace, not utter dread.
  • You want to feel compassion for her.
  • You want to make peace before she leaves the planet.

If you’re ready to heal your mother wound, this small group mentoring program is for you.

As a result of this program, you will:

  • Find grace and compassion in your relationship with her
  • Have a deeper awareness of why she is who she is
  • Understand the role of patriarchy in her wounding
  • Create, communicate, and maintain boundaries to honor you and your mother
  • Forgive her for what she was unable to give you and forgive yourself for limiting your life because of her
  • Learn healing practices that will help you re-parent your inner child
  • Connect with your Divine Mother


NOTE: Healing your mother wound is a journey. If you're not ready to forgive her, if you're still mad at her for what you didn't receive, this may not be the right time for you to enroll in this program. Honor yourself for exactly where you are. Trust that you will come to a place of readiness to forgive and heal.

What You Receive:

  • Eight 90-minute weekly sessions on Zoom with me and fellow participants
  • A portal where you can revisit the recordings so you don't miss anything
  • A safe space to share and learn and heal and grow
  • Meditations, healing practices, rituals to help you reclaim yourself
  • A small intimate group of other unmothered women that begin to feel like your sisterhood

HOW TO FAIL BETTER: A 90-minute Masterclass

I’ve failed at plenty of things.

I didn’t get the jobs I was perfectly qualified for.

I wasn’t always quick to forgive even when I knew it was the right thing to do.

I was the victim of a publishing scam when I was in my thirties.

When I was young I blamed myself for every mistake and failure. I believed it was all my fault, that there was something wrong with me. I felt “bad” about myself and experienced a lot of shame and guilt.

I had to grow into an understanding of why we “fail” at life and work on changing my relationship with failure.

It’s so easy to make ourselves “wrong” and suffer tremendous guilt over our perceived mistakes and failures. 

As a fellow human walking beside me on this journey, I’m sure you’ve had your share of failures. I don’t know your story, but I’ve sat in session with hundreds of women, and this is a short list of what they’ve shared:

I’m a loser because:

  • I didn’t keep my baby safe (miscarriage)
  • I didn’t call 911 soon enough or they might have saved my husband.
  • I keep choosing the same partner, no matter how badly they treat me each time.
  • I was very impatient with my kids when they needed me to understand.
  • I’ve taken all the business courses, and my business is still not making money.
  • I’m so ashamed of how addicted to social media I am. 
  • I haven’t talked to my brother in 7 years even though I believe in forgiveness.

Big or small, it’s not the size of the failure that matters. It’s the feeling you’re carrying about it.

Maybe this masterclass is what you’ve been looking for. My intention is for you to come to the session and leave with a next step that will make you feel good. Please bring a specific “I failed at this” episode from your life to work through.

I’ll share some thoughts and teachings about failure. We’ll work on an exercise, do a somatic practice, and a healing meditation which will help you bring compassion and grace to yourself.

If this speaks to you, please join me.

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